Publication Date: 6/1/74
    Pages: 11
    Date Entered: 1/5/93
    Title: Nondestructive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection
    JUNE 1974
    Section 70.51, "Material Balance, Inventory, and Records
    Requirements," of 10 CFR Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material," requires
    certain licensees authorized to possess at any one time more than one
    effective kilogram of plutonium to establish and maintain a system of
    control and accountability such that the limit of error (LE) associated
    with the material unaccounted for (MUF), ascertained as a result of a
    measured material balance, meets minimum standards.
    Included in a typical material balance are containers of
    inhomogeneous scrap material that are not amenable to assay by the
    traditional method of sampling and chemical analysis. With proper
    controls, the nondestructive assay (NDA) technique of spontaneous
    fission detection (SFD) is an acceptable method for the assay of
    plutonium in containers of bulk scrap material. The use of SFD thus
    facilitates the preparation of a complete plant material balance whose
    LEMUF meets established requirements.
    This guide describes procedures acceptable to the Regulatory staff
    for application of the technique of spontaneous fission detection for
    the nondestructive assay of plutonium in scrap.
    Plutonium in scrap material can contribute significantly to the
    material unaccounted for (MUF) and to its associated limit of error
    (LEMUF). Unlike the major quantity of material flowing through a
    process, scrap is typically inhomogeneous and difficult to sample.
    Therefore, a separate assay of the entire content of each container of
    scrap material is the only reliable method of scrap accountability.
    Nondestructive assay (NDA) is a method for assaying the entire content
    of every container of scrap.
    The term "scrap" refers here to material that is generated
    incident to the main process stream due to the inefficiency of the
    process. Scrap material is generally economically recoverable. Scrap
    therefore consists of reject or contaminated process material such as
    pellet grinder sludge, sweepings from a glovebox, dried filter sludge,
    and reject powder and pellets. Scrap is distinguished from "waste" by
    the density or concentration of heavy elements in the two materials The
    concentration of uranium and plutonium in scrap is approximately the
    same as it is in process material, i.e., 85-90% (U + Pu) by weight.
    Plutonium in fast reactor scrap material is 15-20% by weight and in
    thermal reactor recycle material 2-9% by weight. The main difference
    between scrap and process material is that scrap is contaminated and
    inhomogeneous. Waste, on the other hand, contains a low concentration
    of plutonium and uranium, i.e., a few percent or less (U + Pu) by
    weight. However, the recovery of combustible waste by incineration may
    produce ash that is high in uranium and plutonium concentrations. Such
    incinerator ash is also considered "scrap" in this guide.
    Nondestructive assay for plutonium can be accomplished primarily
    by the passive methods of gamma ray spectrometry, calorimetry, and
    spontaneous fission detection. Regulatory Guide 5.11(1) provides a
    framework for the utilization of these NDA methods.
    Gamma ray spectrometry of scrap consisting of dense materials can
    be unreliable because of the attenuation of gamma rays. Gamma ray
    spectrometry is most applicable to waste assay.
    Calorimetry is an accurate method of plutonium assay when there is
    an accurate knowledge of the relative abundance of each plutonium
    isotope and americium-241. Scrap may contain a mixture of materials of
    different radionuclidic compositions, especially different americium-241
    concentrations, necessitating the measurement of the average
    radionuclidic composition. The average radionuclidic abundances can
    only be accurately measured when the scrap is reasonably homogeneous.
    When the radionuclidic abundances can be accurately measured or
    controlled, calorimetry can be applied to scrap assay.(2) However,
    calorimetry is time-consuming for heterogeneous materials of high heat
    capacity and may not be a practical method for the routine assay of
    large numbers of containers.
    Spontaneous fission detection (SFD) is the most practicable and
    generally applicable NDA technique for the assay of plutonium in scrap
    material. Spontaneous fission radiations are sufficiently penetrating
    to provide a representative signal from all the plutonium within a
    container. The plutonium isotopic composition must be known for SFD
    assay, but the accuracy of SFD is not as dependent on the accuracy of
    analysis for the minor plutonium isotopes as is that of calorimetry. Nor
    is SFD sensitive to americium-241 ingrowth. The quantity of scrap
    material on inventory when a material balance is computed can be reduced
    through good management, and the scrap remaining on inventory can be
    assayed by SFD to meet the overall plant MUF and LEMUF constraints
    required by paragraph (e)(5) of Section 70.51 of 10 CFR Part 70.
    This guide gives recommendations useful for the SFD assay of
    containers, each containing a few liters of scrap and having contents
    ranging from a few grams to a few hundred grams of plutonium or
    approximately 50 grams of effective plutonium-240.(*) Containers with a
    larger plutonium content, i.e., on the order of 500 grams of plutonium
    or more, give a spontaneous fission response that is difficult to
    interpret due to high counting rates and possible neutron
    multiplication. A large quantity of plutonium can be assayed by SFD by
    subdividing the scrap into smaller amounts, or the items may be more
    amenable to nondestructive assay by calorimetry.
    (*) The effective plutonium-240 mass is a weighted average of the
    mass of each of the plutonium isotopes. The weighting is equal to the
    spontaneous fission neutron yield of each isotope relative to that of
    Pu-240. Since only the even-numbered isotopes have significant
    spontaneous fission rates, the effective Pu-240 mass is given
    approximately by:(3) M(240)(eff) = M(240) + 1.64M(242) + 2.66M(238)where M is the mass of the isotope indicated in parentheses. The
    coefficients in this equation are only known to approximately @@5%.
    The method of spontaneous fission detection (SFD) for the
    nondestructive assay for plutonium in bulk inhomogeneous scrap material
    should include: (1) discrimination of spontaneous fission radiations
    from random background by coincidence techniques and (2) measurement of
    the relative plutonium isotopic composition of the scrap by an
    independent measurement technique. An acceptable SFD method of
    plutonium assay is described below:
1. Spontaneous Fission Detection System
    a. Detectors. Instruments based on moderated thermal neutron
    detectors, i.e., neutron well coincidence counters,(4,5) are recommended
    for applications in which the gross neutron detection rate does not
    exceed 2 x 10(4) neutrons/sec. The dead time inherent in these slow
    coincidence systems can be reduced by employing a shift-register
    coincidence circuit.(6) If the gross neutron detection rate is due
    primarily to random background and exceeds 2 x 10(4) neutrons/sec, then
    a fast neutron detection, single coincidence system can be used,
    provided that adequate corrections can be made for matrix effects.
    Matrix effects are more severe in fast neutron detection systems, as
    shown in Table I.
    b. Detection Chamber. The chamber should permit reproducible
    positioning of standard-sized containers in the location of maximum
    spatial response uniformity.
    c. Fission Source. A spontaneous fission source with a neutron
    intensity comparable to the intensity of the largest plutonium mass to
    be assayed should be used for making matrix corrections, using the
    source addition technique.(7) A nanogram of Cf-252 is approximately
    equivalent to a gram of effective Pu-240.
    d. Readout. Readout should allow computation of the accidental
    to real coincidence ratio in addition to the net real coincidence rate.
    Live time readout or a means of computing the dead time should also be
    e. Performance Specifications. The performance of a SFD
    instrument should be evaluated according its stability, uniformity of
    spatial response, and insensitivity to matrix effects. Therefore,
    information should be obtained regarding:
    (i) The precision of the coincidence response as a
    function of the real coincidence counting rate and the accidental to
    real coincidence ratio. Extremes in the background or accidental
    coincidence rate can be simulated by using a source of random neutrons
    (Due to database constraints, Tables I and II are not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) (ii) Uniformity of spatial response. Graphs should be
    obtained on the relative coincidence response from a point source of
    fission radiation as a function of position in the counting chamber.
    (iii)Sensitivity of matrix interference. A table of the
    relative coincidence response from a point source of fission radiation
    as a function of rhe composition of the matrix material surrounding the
    point source should be obtained. Included in the matrix should be
    materials considered representative of common scrap materials. Table I
    is an example of such a tabulation of the relative response for a wide
    range of materials.
    This information should be used for evaluating the expected
    instrument performance and estimating errors. The above performance
    information can be requested from the instrument suppliers during
    instrument selection and should be acquired during preoperational
    instrument testing.
2. Analyst
    A highly trained individual should oversee SFD assay for plutonium
    and should have primary responsibility for instrument specification,
    preoperational instrument testing, standards and calibration, writing an
    operation manual, measurement control, and error analysis. Experience
    or training equivalent to a bachelors degree in science or engineering
    from an accredited college or university and a laboratory course in
    radiation measurement should be the minimum qualifications of the SFD
    analyst. The SFD analyst should review SFD operation at least weekly
    and should authorize all changes in SFD operation.
3. Containers and Packaging
    A single type of container should be used for packaging all scrap
    in each category, as discussed below. A recommended uniform container
    that would facilitate accurate measurement and would standardize this
    segment of instrument design is a thin-walled metal (steel) can with an
    inside diameter of approximately 10 cm or less.
4. Reduction of Error Due to Material Variability
    The SFD response variation due to material variability in scrap
    should be reduced by: (1) segregation of scrap into categories that are
    independently calibrated, (2) correcting for matrix effects using the
    source addition technique,(7) or (3) applying both categorization and
    the source addition technique. Categorization should be used if the SFD
    method is more sensitive to the material variability from scrap type to
    scrap type than to the material variability within a scrap type.
    Application of the source addition technique reduces the sensitivity to
    material variability and may allow the majority of scrap types to be
    assayed under a single calibration. Material characteristics that
    should be considered in selecting categories include:
    a. Plutonium Isotopic Composition
    b. Uranium/Plutonium Ratio
    c. Containerization and Packaging
    d. Abundance of High-Yield alpha-neutron Material, i.e.,
    low-atomic-number impurities
    e. Plutonium Content
    f. Density (both average density and local density extremes
    should be considered) g. Matrix Composition
5. Calibration
    A guide to calibration for nondestructive assay is presently under
    development by Task Force 8.3 of the N15 committee of the American
    National Standards Institute(*) and will include details on calibration
    standards, calibration procedures, curve fitting, and error analysis.
    Guidelines relevant to SFD are given below.
    a. A minimum of four calibration standards of the same isotopic
    composition as the unknowns should be used for calibration. If
    practicable, a calibration curve should be generated for each isotopic
    blend of plutonium. When plutonium of different isotopic composition is
    assayed using a single calibration, the effect on the SFD response of
    isotopic composition should be determined over the operating ranges by
    measuring standards of differing plutonium isotopic compositions. The
    use of the effective Pu-240 concept can lead to error because of the
    uncertainty in the spontaneous fission half-lives, as shown in Table II,
    and the variation in response with isotopic composition.
    b. Calibration standards should be fabricated from material
    having a plutonium content determined by a technique traceable to or
    calibrated with National Bureau of Standards standard reference
    material. Well-characterized homogeneous material similar to the
    process material from which the scrap is generated can be used to obtain
    calibration standards.
    c. Fabrication of calibration standards that are truly
    representative of the unknowns is difficult for scrap assay. To measure
    the reliability of the calibration based on the fabricated standards
    discussed above, and to improve this calibration, unknowns that have
    been assayed by SFD should periodically be selected for assay by an
    independent more accurate technique. Calorimetry(2) can be used to
    assay a random selection of scrap in containers and provide reliable
    data that should be fed back into the calibration fitting procedure to
    improve SFD calibration. The original calibration standards should be
    retained as working standards.
    (*) When copies become available, they may be obtained from the
    American National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York,
    New York 10018.
6. Measurement Control
    For proper measurement control, a "dummy" item should be assayed
    on each day of scrap assay as a background measurement. Also, control
    (or working) standards should be assayed each day scrap is assayed for
    normalization and to assure reliable operation.
    The source addition technique(7) is recommended for correcting the
    SFD response for each assay. If not used routinely, the source addition
    technique should be applied to a random selection of items but in no
    case should be used less frequently than daily. The results of random
    applications of the source addition technique can be used in two ways:
    a. As an average correction factor to be applied to a group of
    items, and
    b. As a check on the item being assayed to verify that it is
    similar to the standards used in calibration and that no additional
    matrix effects are present, i.e., purely as a qualitative assurance that
    the calibration is valid.
7. Error Analysis
    The sources of error in SFD are discussed in Regulatory Guide
    5.11.(1) Analysis of the error in the calibration is discussed in the
    literature(4,9) and in the ANSI guide on calibration now under
    development. In addition to the calibration error there are errors due
    to the measurement process and due to variability in material
    The error due to the measurement process, i.e., the
    measurement-to-measurement error, accounts for most of the random error
    in NDA. At least fifteen unknowns selected at random should be
    repeatedly assayed to estimate the random error. Repeated measurements
    should be made under as many different conditions as are experienced in
    normal operation, e.g., different times of day, different operators,
    different ambient conditions. The standard deviation in the
    distribution of differences in replicate results should be used in
    constructing a 95% confidence interval. The mean difference in
    replicate results has an expected value of zero. Corrections for
    significant drift in the instrument performance should be made based on
    data from daily assay of control standards, i.e., the measurement
    control program.
    The error due to material variability, i.e., the item-to-item
    error, is the major source of bias and systematic error in NDA. If
    proper calibration standards and a proper calibration relationship are
    used, the calibrating error should be a reliable estimate of the
    systematic error. To test these assumptions, and to determine the bias,
    SFD assay results on a random selection of unknowns should be compared
    with assays on the same items by an independent more accurate technique,
    as discussed in 4(c). Calorimetry is not sensitive to the majority of
    interferences that cause error due to material variability in SFD and is
    practical for this application because it is nondestructive. An
    alternative method for verifying SFD assay is to sample the scrap
    extensively and to perform chemical analyses for the plutonium
    concentrations in these samples.
    The mean difference in comparative assays should be used as the
    bias for correcting SFD assay results. The bias correction should be
    made if the mean difference is greater than 0.1 times the standard
    deviation in the mean difference. The standard deviation in the bias
    (mean difference) is a systematic error that should be used in
    constructing a 95% confidence interval. (There will always be a
    potential bias and systematic error in the technique used to verify SFD.
    The systematic error should be known and should be insignificant
    compared to systematic error in SFD for the technique to be viable for
    verifying SFD assay results.) Comparisons of SFD with a more accurate assay method should be
    made on at least two unknowns a week to determine bias and systematic
    error. Data may be pooled and used to improve the calibration although
    no data should be older than one year.
1. Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear
    Material Contained in Scrap and Waste."
2. Regulatory Guide 5.35, "Calorimetric Assay of Plutonium."
3. C. Weitkamp, "Nuclear Data for Safeguards: Can Better Data
    Improve Present Techniques?" Symposium on Practical Applications
    of R&D in the Field of Safeguards, Rome, March 1974, and J. D.
    Hastings and W. W. Strohm, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., Vol. 34, pp.
    25-28, 1972.
4. R. Sher, "Operating Characteristics of Neutron Well Coincidence
    Counters," BNL- 50332, January 1972.
5. J. E. Foley, "Neutron Coincidence Counters in Nuclear
    Applications," IEEE Transactions Vol. NS-19, No. 3, pp. 453-456,
    June 1972.
6. K. Bohnel, "Neutron Coincidence Counting with Overlapping Cycles,"
    October 1972, Gesellschaft fur Kernforschung mbH. 75 Karlsruhe, P.
O. Box 3640, Germany, or L. V. East and J. E. Foley, "An Improved
    Thermal-Neutron Coincidence Technique," LA-5197, 1972.
7. H. O. Menlove and R. B. Walton, "4++ Coincidence Unit for
    One-Gallon Cans and Smaller Samples," LA-4457-MS, 1970.
8. H. O. Menlove, "Matrix Material Effects on Fission-Nuetron
    Counting Using Thermal- and Fast-Neutron Detectors," LA-4994-PR,
    p. 4, 1972.
9. J. Jaech, "Statistical Methods in Nuclear Material Control,"
    TID-26298, Section 3.3.8, 1974.